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Whipperley Academy Trust

Learning, Growing, Together

Our Curriculum

At Whipperley Academy Trust, we offer a rich, creative, curriculum. The curriculum is planned into half termly units where teachers skilfully weave the learning into and through all subjects. This approach allows children to explore subject matter at a greater depth and supports learners to make connections between the different areas of learning. All aspects of the English curriculum are deeply embedded in our teaching, because the aspects of the English curriculum underpins all the other areas of learning.

School visits, external visitors and trainers who come into our school are an integral part of the children’s learning and further enhance the classroom learning. For those subjects that are difficult to immerse within the curriculum, such as Polish and instrumental tuition we offer discreet teaching sessions. Our rich music provision is supported by Luton Music Service guaranteeing our students excellent music provision; Polish is taught by a language specialist ensuring progression and challenge across the school.

We value and nurture the partnership with parents, which has a positive effect on the children’s home learning. These positive partnerships support and enhance the learning that happens within school.